Digital sozialisiert, Denker, Macher und Angel Investor.

The BBC's 15 Web Principles


Abgeschrieben von einer Präsentation von Tom Loosemore von BBC aber sehr gut!
Spannend ist die Einleitung mit der durchgestrichenen Aussage dass es die Aufgabe von BBC sei «gute Programme zu machen und zu verteilen». Zu kurz gegriffen. Der Auftrag von Elisabeth II umfasst die folgenden sechs Werte (public purpose of BBC):
Sustaining citizenship and civil society
Promoting education and learning
Stimulating creativity and cultural excellence
Reflecting the UK’s nations, regions and communities
Bringing the UK to the world and the world to the UK
Delivering to the public the benefit of emerging communications technologies and services
Nun aber die Web Principles:
1. Build web products that meet audience needs: anticipate needs not yet fully articulated by audiences, then meet them with products that set new standards. (nicked from Google)
2. The very best websites do one thing really, really well: do less, but execute perfectly. (again, nicked from Google, with a tip of the hat to Jason Fried)
3. Do not attempt to do everything yourselves: link to other high-quality sites instead. Your users will thank you. Use other people’s content and tools to enhance your site, and vice versa.
4. Fall forward, fast: make many small bets, iterate wildly, back successes, kill failures, fast.
5. Treat the entire web as a creative canvas: don’t restrict your creativity to your own site.
6. The web is a conversation. Join in: Adopt a relaxed, conversational tone. Admit your mistakes.
7. Any website is only as good as its worst page: Ensure best practice editorial processes are adopted and adhered to.
8. Make sure all your content can be linked to, forever.
9. Remember your granny won’t ever use “Second Life”: She may come online soon, with very different needs from early-adopters.
10. Maximise routes to content: Develop as many aggregations of content about people, places, topics, channels, networks & time as possible. Optimise your site to rank high in Google.
11. Consistent design and navigation needn’t mean one-size-fits-all: Users should always know they’re on one of your websites, even if they all look very different. Most importantly of all, they know they won’t ever get lost.
12. Accessibility is not an optional extra: Sites designed that way from the ground up work better for all users
13. Let people paste your content on the walls of their virtual homes: Encourage users to take nuggets of content away with them, with links back to your site
14. Link to discussions on the web, don’t host them: Only host web-based discussions where there is a clear rationale
15. Personalisation should be unobtrusive, elegant and transparent: After all, it’s your users’ data. Best respect it.
Alle Punkt unterschreibe ich gerne! Und hier die Präsentation (online bei Slideshare):

PS: Ein wichtiges Set von technischen Web Prinzipien («must read») gibt es beim W3C: Architecture of the World Wide Web.

2 Kommentare

  • So schön wie es sich auch liest, aber wurde irgendetwas wirklich Bahnbrechendes genannt. Ich denke, jeder der Websites und Webservice je konzipierte verinnerlichte diese Prinzipien bereits mehr oder weniger. Wie die individuell Ausprägung ausfällt ist und bleibt fraglich ??

Digital sozialisiert, Denker, Macher und Angel Investor.