Digital sozialisiert, Denker, Macher und Angel Investor.

Can enterprise search profit from rugby? [presentation]


Gestern durfte ich am FASTforward Summit 2008 als Keynote direkt nach dem CTO von Fast, Bjørn Olstad sprechen. Im Programm hiess es trotz der langfristig zuvor abgestimten Agenda «Analyst on user and search». Nun ja ich bin kein Analyst aber Dienstleister und Search heisst bein mir auch eher «Find» oder um ganz korrekt zu sein «Information Retrieval». Und weil alles auf Englisch war, wechsle ich nun auch.
Enterprise information retrieval is complex, that we are tempted to tackle the project using a very structured approach… But contrary to many other ventures, the problem domain is tricky and the somewhat moving. Searchers learn while searching, results can be presented differently or some users know the collections and others don’t. The presentation proposes an agile approach based on Scrum to project success.
In my eyes, an agile approach is very well fitted to a retrieval project, because many parameters change in the course of the project by definition. This includes domain knowledge of searchers but also the data accessed.
Here you find the presentation: Can enterprise search profit from rugby? [pdf, 868KB]


Digital sozialisiert, Denker, Macher und Angel Investor.